Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Closer to perfection

When I went online to check my email, there were trending topics and this barbie girl caught my attention. There is Russian super model by the name of  Valeria Lukyanova, who has transformed her self to look just like a barbie. When I looked at the picture, I thought it was a  picture of toy barbie. The twenty-one year old model looks unreal. She had to have spent a lot of time and money to create that look, although she claims that's the way God made her. It could be true, it's not impossible to be a replica.

But why would someone want to look like a barbie? Perhaps because barbie does have a promising career. A career path in barbie land ranges from but is not limited can being a  teacher, librarian, mom, wife, flight attendant, doctor, nurse, veterinarian so on an so forth. She also has loving friends and family. And of course above all else she perfect body: breast, butt, lisps, eyes and smile.  Why wouldn't you want to imitate barbie, she has the perfect  life in an unreal world.

There was a television show called Extreme Make Over that aired  ABC in 2002 . The premise was to reconstruct someone face into looking beautiful.  A woman literally went from looking like a swan to a beautiful looking princess. Here is a clip below showing her transformation.

People are obsessed with perfection. I bet after all the invested time, Valeria Lukyanova, and the lady above  still doesn't think that they are perfect. According to the American Psychological Association, people who have gotten plastic surgery are happy, but have effects later on in life.

(Make -up)


  1. I wonder if she can be mail-ordered?

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